History - Vigilate itaque

Jul 31, 2021 (Musica Sacra)

added source

"(c4) VI(g)gi(gd)l\u00e1(f!/gh)te(g) \u00ed(f)ta(gh)que,(ixhg!/hih) <c>*</c>(,) qui(fhj )a(ji) ne(hg)sc\u00ed(h)tis(g) (`) di(h)em(gf) ne(h)que(hih) ho(g)ram,(g) (;) quan(gji!/jk)do(jvIH) D\u00f3(j)mi(ji)nus(hg) ve(h)ster(-ghg!/go<) ven(ef)t\u00fa(gf!/gh)rus(h) sit.(g) (::) E(j) u(j) o(i) u(j) a(h) e.(g) (::)"

I think there souldn't be a breathe after "nescitis", because this breaks musical period unnecessarily. - The "virgula" doesn't want to indicate an opportunity for breathing. It can be a very little pausa without breathing
